Mattapan/Greater Boston Technology Learning Center, Inc
24 Regis Rd, Mattapan, MA. 02126
Economic Justice is when everyone has the same opportunity to thrive!
Youth Ages 16-22: Free
Adults 23 & Older: $300/Class
Cummings Foundation Sponsors Mattapan Tech
Mattapan Tech benefits of an exemption from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Division of Occupational Licensure Office of Private Occupational School Education due to the equity and affordable nature of our program click here for more...
Mattapan Tech's Industry Recognized Certificate Programs
Kid Coding Program (FREE)
Youth Job Training Program
Adult Computer Literacy (FREE)

Mattapan Tech Theory Of Change
Sponsored in part by the City Of Boston Youth Employment & Opportunity (YEO), State Street & Cumming Foundation

Mattapan Tech theory of change for improving the life conditions of people in minority groups through job training and workforce development involves a systematic approach to bring about positive outcomes.

It assumes that by providing targeted job training and enhancing workforce development opportunities, individuals from minority communities can gain the necessary skills and qualifications to secure better employment and improve their socio-economic status. This, in turn, can lead to various positive changes in their lives, including increased income, access to better benefits, improved job security, enhanced social mobility, and reduced disparities.

The process typically involves identifying the specific needs and challenges faced by minority populations, such as limited access to education, discrimination, or lack of skills matching market demands. Mattapan Tech’s Job training programs are designed to address these issues by offering specialized training, education, and skill development initiatives tailored to the unique requirements of these communities. This includes vocational training, apprenticeships, mentorship programs, and support services such as job placement assistance, resume building, and interview preparation.

By equipping individuals from minority backgrounds with relevant skills and qualifications, Mattapan Tech Theory Of Chance assumes they will become more competitive in the job market. This, in turn, increases their chances of securing better employment opportunities, higher-paying jobs, and positions with potential for advancement. As individuals experience improved job prospects and economic stability, they may experience an array of positive changes in their lives.

These positive changes can manifest in several ways. For instance, individuals may experience increased financial security, allowing them to better support themselves and their families. With higher incomes and improved benefits, they will also gain access to better healthcare, housing options, and educational opportunities for themselves and their children. Additionally, improved job security and career advancement potential can enhance their overall quality of life, leading to increased self-esteem, a sense of empowerment, and improved social well-being.

Furthermore, as more individuals from minority communities have access to better employment opportunities, it can contribute to reducing socio-economic disparities and promoting social inclusion. It can challenge systemic barriers and biases by demonstrating the capabilities and potential of Black and Brown individuals from these communities, potentially leading to a more diverse and inclusive workforce.

Overall, the theory of change behind Mattapan Tech job training and workforce development for minority populations is rooted in the belief that targeted interventions can empower individuals to overcome barriers, gain better employment, and ultimately improve their overall life conditions, fostering greater equality and inclusion in society.

Rev. Jacques Dady Jean